Be Informed: Understanding The Hallmarks of Cancer: Evasion of Anti-growth Signaling and Resistance to Apoptosis

Be Informed: Understanding The Hallmarks of Cancer: Evasion of Anti-growth Signaling and Resistance to Apoptosis

The Hallmarks of Cancer




  • Cancer development is a complex process and the “hallmarks of cancer” help us understand specific changes in normal cells that must occur for cancer to develop.
  • Diet and lifestyle choices can help our bodies prevail against cancer for each hallmark are provided.


The Hallmarks of Cancer


Cancer development is a complex process, and the so-called “hallmarks of cancer” were developed as a useful framework to understand and categorize the kinds of changes that must occur in normal cells for cancer to develop. So, the hallmarks of cancer are not specific symptoms that all patients experience. Rather, the hallmarks describe the biological processes that are exploited or hijacked by cancer to form and grow.

Hallmark 3: Evasion of Anti-growth Signaling


On the other end of the spectrum, the next hallmark of cancer cells is their ability to avoid chemical signals that suppress growth. When normal cells encounter chemical anti-growth signals, they either stop growing or die as needed. This does not happen in cancer cells.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

In cancer cells, these signals are either bypassed or suppressed, so the cells continue to grow out of control in places where they should not be.  This, combined with sustained cell growth from Hallmark 2, is why cancer can grow and cause damage so quickly.

Curcumin, green tea, resveratrol, milk thistle and reishi mushroom have been shown to support normal cellular response to anti-growth signals


Hallmark 4: Resistance to Apoptosis


Though it may seem counterintuitive, sometimes cells need to die in order to keep the body healthy. Apoptosis is the scientific term for programmed cell death. This occurs when a cell becomes too old and damaged to be repaired, so it’s more efficient for the body to get rid of the cell and recycle its materials.

Unlike death from damage or injury, apoptosis is a normal part of our biology. We lose about 10 billion cells each day to apoptosis. This makes room for younger, healthier cells and prevents abnormal cells from growing.

Cancer cells ignore the chemical instructions to undergo apoptosis, so they stick around much longer than they should. They do this so consistently that many anti-cancer therapies are designed to induce apoptosis.

Green tea, quercetin, Reishi mushroom, milk thistle, Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng, and piperine have been shown to support appropriate cellular response to programmed cell death.


My husband, who holds a PhD in Biochemistry, and I developed a supplement that addresses each Hallmark. Hallmarks has active ingredients shown in scientific studies to help promote cellular health. Visit or visit our shop through the navigation bar on this site.

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